Profil for LadyLuck
Søger en
- Køn
- mand
- Alder:
- 54 - 69
- Land:
- Region:
- —
- By:
- —
- Helbred:
- —
Om mig
I am 59. I had a brain anuerism that caused a stroke so I have no use of my left arm, I walk with a cane or use a wheelchair for long distances. I am also a cancer survivor x3. I have 4 beautiful grand-daughters that are my world.
Om mine matches
Someone with a humerous attitude. Some one that is honest like I am. I am shy so preferably someone that isn't so shy would be a better match for me. I am a smoker so someone that also smokes or don't mind that I do. Someone that doesn't mind being around children.
- Kropsbygning:
- Almindelig
- Børn:
- Børn bor ikke hos mig
- Oprindelsesland:
- Drikkevaner:
- Drikker lidt i sociale sammenhænge
- Uddannelse:
- Afgangseksamen
- Etnisk baggrund:
- Øjenfarve:
- Brun
- Hårfarve:
- Blond
- Hårlængde:
- Meget langt
- Høreevne:
- Højde:
- 157 cm
- Parforholdsstatus:
- Enlig
- Beskæftigelse:
- Religion:
- Tegnsprogstype:
- Ryger:
- Ryger 5-10 daglig
- Årlig indkomst: